Post Summary

The media world is going through a not-so-silent audio content revolution. Learn how it can benefit you and your organization.

Hearing is Believing

For organizations looking to raise awareness, advocacy, and funding, there is nothing quite like original audio content. Unlike video clips and the written word, audio is the one medium that can be properly experienced on the move—in traffic, on a job, at the gym, really anywhere. In our busy world, that constitutes a critical advantage.

As any fan of old time radio drama will tell you, there’s something particularly engaging about audio content. Done right, the spoken word has the power to hook you on a deeper level, giving you the emotional and mental space to create your own images and draw your own personal conclusions. Listening creates an inner pause that allows modern people—throttled by information overload—the space to really take things in.

In fact, the benefits of audio as a marketing and sharing tool go beyond what most people realize. Today, audio is easily syndicated, found, and used. You can get it through smart speakers, bluetooth audio, earbuds, car speakers and laptops, everywhere. You can access custom content easily through voice-automated searches—”Hey Siri, find me that Advocacy 101 podcast”–and play and pause it hands-free.

For the individual or organization that wants their nuanced message to be heard, there are a growing number of channels at the ready:

Audio content need not be lengthy. Audiograms—usually running under a minute—are a rapidly growing artform, allowing people to deliver quick and focused messaging. Also, audiograms often contain an important visual element—they don’t just publish as a sound clip. A headshot or headline helps listeners stop in their tracks and take notice.

Audio content can also be tagged by a branded sound, like the famous Nike swish. A campaign with a memorable sound or sounds lets listeners know instantaneously that they’re in the right place.

Full-length podcasts still remain a viable and effective tool, especially with consistent high quality episodes. Good podcasts take work, but the astonishing number of outlets allowing for international syndication can justify the time and energy.

Last but definitely not least, radio interviews are a cost-free way to penetrate new markets and engage fresh listeners. Earning a good radio interview can take you further than paid ads of any kind, especially if you customize your messaging to “translate” to the listening audience.

Of course, like all content-delivery, it’s important to consider your outreach goals—your existing audience and the people you most want to speak to. Where do they “live” and go for information and entertainment?

Once you determine this, you’ll have your audience’s ears and direct access to their hearts and minds.

To learn more, we invite you to visit, follow us on Linkedin, or contact us with any questions!

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